Omni Fisher missions offer a more flexible approach to Relic cracking, allowing each squad member to bring a different Relic type and potentially leading to a variety of Relics being cracked in one mission. They also increase loot chances and have the potential to become the new meta for Fisher farming in Warframe.
There are concerns about potential leeching, overcomplication, and the impact on the trade market and other Relic Mission types. However, the potential benefits include the ability to stay in missions longer, more rewards overall, and a significant quality of life improvement for farming Prime gear, ducats, relics, and resources in Warframe.
Digital Extremes is putting together a Dev Workshop to provide more details about the new Omni Fisher missions, including potential limitations to rewards and the loot table.
Fisher missions have a chance to give refined relics as a reward after certain rotations, allowing players to crack open a normal Relic while also having the possibility to get a refined relic of the same era or better as a reward.
The new Universal missions allow players to change to a different Relic if they run out of a given Relic type, enabling them to continue farming and getting rewards without having to leave the mission.
The addition of Omni Fisher missions has raised concerns about the trade market, as more items flooding into trade may lower the cost of everything, affecting players trying to make platinum.
Omni Fisher missions are a new Universal Fisher Mission node that will show up in the new tile sets in Warframe, including Deos, Zaraman, and Lua.
Omni Fishers are universal, allowing each squad member to bring a different Relic type, except Requiem relics, potentially leading to a variety of Relics being cracked in one mission.
There is a concern that Omni Fishers could make other Relic Mission types redundant, leading to fewer people running them and affecting dedicated rad shares for specific items.